Monday, August 22, 2011

DIY Toothpaste

Toothpaste is something that we use more than most other household chemicals. So it makes sense that it should be organic. The fewer chemical laden products we use, the fewer chemical end up circulating in our environment. This recipe for tooth paste is based on the recipe provided in a post that I read here. It uses three main ingredients that, in moderation, are good for dental health and have anti-bacterial properties.

Baking Soda, also known as bicarbonate of soda, has abrasive qualities, and can help whiten teeth.Glycerin will sweeten the toothpaste and give it a smooth consistency. Hydrogen peroxide (usually available at drug stores as a 3% solution) will remove bacterial films on teeth. Commercial toothpastes get their flavor from additives. You can flavor your toothpaste with your own additives such as peppermint oil.

The ideal combination of ingredients according to the recipe mentioned above is:
▬ 7 parts baking soda
▬ 2 part glycerin
▬ 1 part hydrogen peroxide

More important information here regarding the properties of various tooth cleaning solutions.

NOTE: I am not advising that you replace commercially bought toothpaste with this one. I am not prescribing anything or giving advice on dental health. Use this recipe using your own discretion.

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